Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Your Mailbox Appears to be unavailable. Try to access it again in 10 seconds.


This is a VERY common error, due to various reasons. Bottom-line, either your database isn't mounted or you have a service issue.

By Joe Piggee Sr.

1. Open services applet, by click start-> run.

2. Type Services.msc

3. Scroll down to Microsoft Exchange Information Store"

4. If it is started, restart it. If is isn't started, Right click and select start.

5. Take a look at the other related Exchange services. All that are configured to start automatically, make sure they are all, started.


  1. I got this error however this was due to the mailbox database being unmounted.
    you can check thestatus of the mailbox by entering the following command

    get-mailboxdatabasecopystatus -identity "mailbox database name"

    this will tell you if the mailbox is unmounted if it is unmounted then you would need to mount it and this can be done with the following command

    mount-database -identity "mailbox database name"

    this should mount the database and you should no longer get the error message appearing.

  2. Thats correct. As stated in the first Line above, the DB is either NOT mounted or there is a service issue. Thx
