Sunday, December 28, 2014

List Applications Installed on a Remote or Local Machine with Powershell

This one-liner will list all application on your local computer, or remote computer.

If you do not include the -Computername parameter, it will list all applications on your local machine.

Get-wmi -Class Win32_Product -Computername <TypeComputerNameHere>  | Select-Object -Property Name

PlayStation Network (PSN) Connection Work Around:

  1. go to network under settings
  2. go to set up internet connection
  3. select what u want to use (wifi or lan)
  4. next select custom
  5. select the network u want to use
  6. leave ip address settings on automatic
  7. DHCP host name leave as "do not specify"
  8. leave DNS settings as automatic
  9. for MTU setting go to manual and change from 1500 to 1450
  10. proxy server set to "do not use" unless u use one 
  11. IF Still not working try signing out of psn and back in!