Saturday, April 16, 2011

Configuring Exchange 2007 to Accept E-Mail for More Than One Authoritative Domain

Configuring Exchange 2007 to Accept E-Mail for More Than One Authoritative Domain

by Joe P.  04/16/2011

The following example will help you configure your exchange Server 2007, to accept multiple Authoritive domains. i.e. and

  • You are changing your SMTP domain name, but have to continue to accept e-mail for the old domain name for a while. For example, you can use this procedure in the following case:
    • You change your organization name from to
    • You want to use as your SMTP domain name instead of
    You may have to keep the previous domain name for several months in case customers send e-mail messages to the previous e-mail addresses. You can set the new e-mail address as the "reply to" address. This means that the new address will be the default e-mail address displayed on all e-mail messages sent by the recipient. You can set the old e-mail address as a secondary address. This will enable the recipient to continue to receive e-mail that is sent to the old e-mail address.
Here Go:

To use the Exchange Management Console to configure Exchange 2007 to accept e-mail for more than one authoritative domain

  1. Configure the accepted domain entry by following these steps:

    • Open the Exchange Management Console. Expand the Organization Configuration node, and then click Hub Transport. Click the Accepted Domains tab in the results pane.   emc_new_domain_1
    • In the action pane, click New Accepted Domain… The New Accepted Domain wizard appears. image
    • On the New Accepted Domain page, type a name to identify the accepted domain entry. In the Accepted Domain field, type the SMTP domain name. Select Authoritative Domain. E-mail is delivered to a recipient in this Exchange organization. Click New.
    • On the Completion page, click Finish. image

*Note: That you may want to configure an email policy so that you mailboxes are configured to have the new SMTP address added to their configuration.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Exchange 2010: Update the Global Address List(GAL)

You can use the Shell to update a global address list (GAL). A GAL is a directory that contains entries for every group, user, and contact within an organization's implementation of Microsoft Exchange.
1. Open the EMC Shell.
2. Run the following command:
Update-GlobalAddressList -Identity <GlobalAddressListIdParameter> –DomainController
* Note that this starts the process, but the completion could take 15 min. to a couplehours.
More Information:
update-GlobalAddressList -Identity <GlobalAddressListIdParameter> [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]
Identity = The Identity parameter specifies a unique identifier of the GAL being updated. These unique identifiers include the common name (CN), GUID, or distinguished name (DN).

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Exchange 2010– Site Folder Server Deleted (AD running in Mixed Mode)

Make sure you have first run Exchange Analyzer and get a health report to get the accurate CN names.

  1. Open an Active Directory editor, such as ADSI Edit.

  2. Locate the public folder information store that you want to designate as the Site Folder Server.

Exchange Server 2000 through Exchange Server 2007, expand the following nodes in the Configuration container: CN=Configuration,DC=<DomainName>,DC=com, CN=Services, CN=Microsoft Exchange, CN=<OrganizationName>, CN=Administrative Groups, CN=<AdministrativeGroupName> CN=Servers, CN=<ServerName>, CN=InformationStore, CN=<StorageGroupName>
For Exchange Server 2010, expand the following nodes in the Configuration container:
CN=Configuration,DC=<DomainName>,DC=com, CN=Services, CN=Microsoft Exchange, CN=<OrganizationName>, CN=Administrative Groups, CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT), CN=Databases

  1. In the right pane, right-click CN=<PublicFolderStoreName>, and then click Properties.

  2. In the Attributes field, scroll down and select the distinguishedName attribute.

  3. Click Edit, and then copy the entire attribute to the Clipboard.

  4. Expand the Configuration container, and then expand CN=Configuration,CN=<DomainName>,CN=com, CN=Services, CN=Microsoft Exchange, CN=<OrganizationName>, CN=Administrative Groups

  5. Right-click the administrative group you want to modify, and then click Properties.

  6. In the Attributes field, scroll down and select the siteFolderServer attribute.

  7. Click Edit, and then paste the value for the distinguishedName attribute into the Value field.

  8. Double-check the contents of the Value field to ensure the paste was performed correctly, and then click OK to save the change.

  9. Click OK to close the Administrative Group properties.

  10. Exit the Active Directory editor and restart the Microsoft Exchange Server Information Store service on all Exchange Server computers in the site for the change to take effect.


Resource Site:

Exchange 2010: How Do I know If SP1 is installed…

Check the version number on your server, and compare the build number to the numbers below:
Microsoft Exchange Server  2003                     6.5.6944                
    October 2003
Microsoft Exchange Server  2003 SP1                 6.5.7226                
    May 2004
Microsoft Exchange Server  2003 SP2                 6.5.7638                
    October 2005
Microsoft Exchange Server  2003 post-SP2            6.5.7653.33             
    March 2008
Microsoft Exchange Server  2003 post-SP2            6.5.7654.4              
    August 2008  
Microsoft Exchange Server  2007                     8.0.685.24 or 8.0.685.25
    December 2006
Microsoft Exchange Server  2007 SP1                 8.1.0240.006            
    November 2007
Microsoft Exchange Server  2007 SP2                 8.2.0176.002            
    August 2009
Microsoft Exchange Server  2007 SP3                 8.3.0083.006
                  June  2010
Microsoft Exchange Server  2010                     14.00.0639.021
                  October 2009
Microsoft Exchange Server  2010 SP1                 14.01.0218.015
                  August 2010

Exchange Server 2010–Add or Remove to Whitelist Using PowerShell

To Add

1. Open EMC Shell, enter: Set-ContentFilterConfig -BypassedSenderDomains

To Remove:

This example makes the following modifications to the Content Filter agent configuration:

  • It enables and configures the SCL threshold functionalities that quarantine, reject, and delete messages to 5, 6, and 8 respectively.
  • It specifies as the spam quarantine mailbox.
  • It defines two users for whom the Content Filter won't process messages.
Set-ContentFilterConfig -SCLQuarantineEnabled $true -SCLRejectEnabled $true -SCLDeleteEnabled $true -SCLQuarantineThreshold 5 -SCLRejectThreshold 6 -SCLDeleteThreshold 8 -QuarantineMailbox -RejectionResponse "Message rejected due to content restrictions" -BypassedRecipients,

Message Tracking–Exchange 2010


By default message tracking is enabled. To confirm copy and paste the following two PowerShell Scripts and review the Message Tracking status. You will run this against the Hub Transport Server and the Mailbox Server. Also confirm that SP1 has been applied.

1. Confirm SP1 in installed. Your Exchange 2010 version number should be:

Microsoft Exchange Server  2010 SP1                 14.01.0218.015

2. Open EMC Shell and run the following:

Get-TransportServer “Type you server name Here”

Get MailBoxServer “Type your server name here”|fl

3. Now Make sure you are actually tracking something. Sometimes if when using message tracking the administrator encounters a blank window, because the tracker has not been told what to look for in the log.

4. For general purpose, User is not receiving messages sent from Start the Mailflow troubleshooter from your EMC console. For this example, when a user from send a message to, the user at either doesn’t receive the message, or the message is delayed. So follow the wizard, and be sure to enater for the SMTP address of sender, and

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Windows Server 2003, Exchange 2007 & Blackberry Server Time Synch

Timesynch issues occur when the patches for DST support are not installed. Meetings are always 1 hour off.

Summary: You need to update the server for DST support.

  • Updating a Microsoft Exchange environment
  • Update the Microsoft Windows Server that is running Microsoft Exchange or the BlackBerry Enterprise Server
  • Update the Microsoft Windows clients
  • * Be Sure to perform complete backups before completing these steps
  • Update Exchange Environment

    1. Go to and update OS running the Exchange Server.
    2. Go to and update OS running the  Blackberry Server.
    3. Restart servers

    Monday, April 4, 2011

    Configuring Exchange 2007 to Accept E-Mail for More Than One Authoritative Domain


    by Joe P.  04/04/2011

    The following example will help you configure your exchange Server 2007, to accept multiple Authoritive domains. i.e. and

    • You are changing your SMTP domain name, but have to continue to accept e-mail for the old domain name for a while. For example, you can use this procedure in the following case:
      • You change your organization name from to
      • You want to use as your SMTP domain name instead of
      You may have to keep the previous domain name for several months in case customers send e-mail messages to the previous e-mail addresses. You can set the new e-mail address as the "reply to" address. This means that the new address will be the default e-mail address displayed on all e-mail messages sent by the recipient. You can set the old e-mail address as a secondary address. This will enable the recipient to continue to receive e-mail that is sent to the old e-mail address.
    Here Go:

    To use the Exchange Management Console to configure Exchange 2007 to accept e-mail for more than one authoritative domain

    1. Configure the accepted domain entry by following these steps:

      • Open the Exchange Management Console. Expand the Organization Configuration node, and then click Hub Transport. Click the Accepted Domains tab in the results pane.   emc_new_domain_1
      • In the action pane, click New Accepted Domain… The New Accepted Domain wizard appears. image
      • On the New Accepted Domain page, type a name to identify the accepted domain entry. In the Accepted Domain field, type the SMTP domain name. Select Authoritative Domain. E-mail is delivered to a recipient in this Exchange organization. Click New.
      • On the Completion page, click Finish. image

    *Note: That you may want to configure an email policy so that you mailboxes are configured to have the new SMTP address added to their configuration.